COP28 Focus

Explore how COP28 shifts attention to the urgent connection between climate change and human health.

Death Toll Alert

Uncover the shocking statistics of 7 million annual deaths globally due to air pollution, a key concern at the summit.

Oil Industry Commitments

Learn about the groundbreaking commitments by 50 oil and gas companies  to reduce methane emissions and achieve net-zero operational emissions  by 2050.

Guterres' Critique

Understand U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres' disappointment with  the industry's promises, citing shortcomings and lack of clarity.

John Kerry's Insight

Gain insights from U.S. climate envoy John Kerry on the profound impact of climate change on ecosystems and human bodies.

COP28 Declaration

Delve into the declaration backed by 120 countries, emphasizing the intrinsic link between health and climate change.

Healthcare Sector Pledge

Explore the commitment to reduce pollution in the healthcare sector,  which accounts for 5% of global emissions, according to the WHO.

Dubai's Environmental Challenge

Examine Dubai's struggle with air pollution, despite governmental  claims, and understand the unique challenges faced by the city.

Unmasking the Global Health Crisis

Conclude with a call to action, emphasizing the need for immediate  measures to address the pressing intersection of climate change and  human health.