Sonic Frontiers Gameplay | SONIC FRONTIERS Full Gameplay Walkthrough.

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Sonic Frontiers Gameplay.

Sonic Frontiers Gameplay, This is a truly open world game. You can go anywhere on the map and do things in almost any order you want. There is no guiding narrative other than the fact that you must collect certain items in order to unlock others.

Sonic Frontiers Gameplay

Thoughts on the Sonic Frontiers Gameplay.

This game was fantastic. The game is far from perfect; there are numerous issues that would irritate me in other games, such as a grind-fest, constant texture pop-in, and a disjointed narrative. However, eventually, “the entire is more prominent than the amount of the parts,” as per Sonic Boondocks.

The thing that has always made Sonic what it is, is the beautiful feeling of visceral speed. This game is truly an open world games, and there’s always been doubts to whether Sonic can translate into an open world environment. The world felt dead, vacant. And indeed it is empty when comparing it to traditional open world games. what I’ve come to realize is that Sonic doesn’t need to be like other open world games, nor should it.  What this game really is, is a sprawling playground to maneuver Sonic’s incredible speed and tight controls.

The 5 different maps are all fairly large and provide a huge canvas for you to paint with controller.  The environment is chalk full of mini puzzles, rails lines, and secrets that all use Sonic’s moves in different ways.  You can double jump, slide, speed boost, parry, cyclone loop and so much more.  Looking back on it now, Sonic 06 and Sonic Adventure both tried to do Open world hubs and they didn’t work, because Sonic fans didn’t want to slow down the pace.  The very thought of slowing down is anti Sonic.  And now, they finally got it right. 

At least the barebones engine-of-it-all. The combat is also a standout in Frontiers.  It is a bit on the simpler side, to the point that if can feel like button mashing at times, but there is enough variety in skills that it never got dull throughout my entire playthrough.  It’s always fun unlocking the new skill and using in your repertoire.

The last but not least, the soundtrack. OH MY GOD THE SOUNDTRACK.  It’s so varied and eclectic and yet it all works.  There’s mood-setting atmospheric hymns, as well as 90’s anime rock blaring during boss fights. In this game, so much of how-you-see-the-world changes how you move around-in-it. The pop in can really throw off your rhythm and damper your experience.

It reminded me of the first time I played Sonic on the Sega Genesis.  It was a new feeling with Sonic in an Open World, and yet somehow still felt fully nostalgic. I enthusiastically suggest you look at the game!

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